Studio G. R. Martin opened in 1981. Since then, Guy Martin has been collecting ideas and making plans in his head for the ultimate perfect outdoor studio. His photography studio at 1439 Youville Drive in Orleans, is in an industrial park, giving him no possibility to photograph outdoors. His dream became a reality when I found the perfect house on a one acre lot in Cumberland , Ontario, just by luck ! The backyard faces south and we have a hill full of mature maples trees creating a canape of shade allowing us to photograph all day long-even when it is sunny. The white house is perfect because it serves as a natural reflector. Let’s just say, all the elements were there to create the perfect photography oasis…, and Guy had a vision….
Here is a photo of the existing pond in the back yard. It was too big, very deep and it overflowed in the spring or dried up in the summer.

existing pond in the spring

Pond would dry up in summer
We started the construction of the outdoor Cumberland photography studio in the summer of 2008.

Pond was too big & deep for the yard
The existing pond was too big & deep for the yard.

40 truck loads to fill pond
It took 40 truck loads to fill the pond. Then, we started to shape the pond and choose the rocks strategically with family photography in mind.

shaping the pond

selecting rocks

construction keeps on going

preparing the interlock pathway to the studio

Pond starting to take shape-lining with sand
The pond is starting to take shape. It takes a lot of sand to prepare the base.

installing draining pipes from the house

we ran out of fill, so the pond was created a little bigger than anticipated
We ran out of fill, so the pond took shape a little bigger then we anticipated…

the liner was 50 x 100 feet
We needed to control the water level and clarity by installing a pond liner. It took a 50 x 100 foot liner.

River rocks installation begins

lot's and lot's of rocks

boulders are being placed for our family photography
Always with family photography in mind, Guy had Christian (our great machine operator) move rocks until he was satisfied. this went on for weeks.

moving rocks

happy to know the water is staying in the pond after some rain

waterfall in the making

sunrise with a smile
Preparing the landscaping around the house and new estate photography studio. Following the plans …

Pathway to studio and home entrance

With our pathway and courtyard done, we were ready for the final touches around the pond ( preparing of the “Family Point”.)

Interlock finished

Family Point- ready for planting...
In October 2008, we were ready for our first family photography portrait session at our new outdoor studio. Thank you to the Bradley family for believing in us and for being our “first test drive family”. Here is the group family photo at the pond.
Almost 10 months later, and countless hours of planting, here is look at our new estate outdoor photography studio in Cumberland, Ontario. These photos were taken July 16th, 2009. We now have a waiting list for weekend family photography sessions at the pond until the end of August, but, if you can get your family together during the week days or early evenings, we have time all summer long. Call us at 613-824-8525 to book your session. Until then, have a great summer.
Julie & Guy,
Your ottawa photographers

Family point - July 2009- ready and blooming !!!