Julie Robichaud and Annie Smith are proud to announce that the 2014 Breast Cancer Calendar was a complete success. After donating our time and artistry in creating beautiful images that showcase woman in their battle against breast cancer, we are happy to say that almost all our calendars sold….with only a few left for sale…The calendars sold for $20.00 each.
On February 11th, we celebrated our success by hosting a wine and cheese for our sponsors and volunteers at our photography studio. We raised 12,000.00$ in total and split the amount equally between the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. A rep for each association were there to accept the cheques. Thank you for all your support !
Julie Robichaud et Annie Smith sont fiers de partager le succès du calendrier 2014 contre le cancer. Une somme de 12,000.00$ a été versée à part égale, à la Société canadienne du cancer et à la Fondation canadienne du cancer du sein. Un grand merci à nos commanditaires et bénévoles.
En mémoire de Paule Fournier – 1955-2013 – In memory of Paule Fournier
Your Ottawa Portrait Photographer Julie Robichaud proudly supporting cancer research!!